La Domaine de Roubignol
La Domaine de Roubignol


Updated on 26 November 2023      
The Tower is not available on it's own during July and August      
because of the problem of sharing the pool      
2024 House House & Tower Tower
13 - 20 April 650 850 275
20 - 27 April 650 850 275
27 April - 4 May 650 850 275
4 - 11 May 750 850 275
11 - 18 May 750 950 325
18 - 25 May 900 1150 375
25 May - 1 June 900 1150 375
1 - 8 June 1000 1300 375
8 - 15 June 1200 1500 375
15- 22 June 1200 1500 375
22 - 29 June 1350 1650 375
29 June - 6 July 1600 1750 375
6 - 13 July 1850 2100 n.a.
13- 20 July 2250 2550 n.a.
20 - 27 July 2250 2550 n.a.
27 July - 3 Aug 2250 2550 n.a.
3 - 10 August 2250 2550 n.a.
10 - 17 August 2250 2550 n.a.
17 - 24 August 2250 2550 n.a.
24  - 31 August 2250 2550 n.a.
31 Aug - 7 Sept 1200 1450 375
7 - 14 Sept 1100 1350 375
14 - 21 Sept 1100 1350 350
21 - 28 Sept 950 1150 300
28 Sept - 5 Oct 650 850 275
5 - 12 Oct 650 850



If dates are shown in orange it means that those dates are taken

In July and August we usually have weeks running from Saturday to Saturday, but at other times we can sometimes be more flexible.

We have had great reviews from our guests -  see Visitors' Comments





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